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The Jungle Journal

Tips for Having Multiple Children Enrolled in Swim Lessons!

​Having multiple kids and a baby in a tote can be overwhelming. However, we have some tips to help you be organized for swim lessons!

Here’s Tip #1:

Have a Partner!

If you have multiple kids in swimming lessons and dad can’t go to help I recommend you to get grandma, auntie, your friend – take someone to help. You’ll be less stressed and everyone will enjoy it more!) Having somebody there to go in the pool area to get the kids out and to help get everyone dressed after is such a big help in making this experience stress-free.

Tip #2:

Prepare at Home!

Working outside of the home during the day limits the time you have for evening activities. Some families have found it’s easier and quicker to have everyone get into their swimming suits while we are still at home. When you arrive at swim lessons all they have to do is take off their top layer of clothing and their shoes and put on their goggles. Getting dressed before you leave the house, might be, much easier than leaving earlier for everyone to change right before lessons.

Tip #3:

Have the Older Kids Help!

Older kids are a great help and we’ve learned that the younger ones will follow (most times) what they are doing. Remind your older child that he’s the oldest and he’s being watched by little eyes. You may also ask them to walk their younger children to their class so that you aren’t adding to the bodies going into the pool area when they call the swimmers in. There are a lot of parents trying to get their kids out from the previous lessons and a lot of kids trying to enter for the new round of lessons so you don’t need to go in, too. There is a glass wall so we can see them all the way to their lanes when they go in, no worries! They are safe! The older kid is also a great helper when it comes to getting hats and coats on in the cooler months. Ask your oldest to help with the small things you can think of. Chances are they’ll love the responsibility and you’ll love the help!

Tip #4

After lessons- Shower and Dressing!

Most of you go to lessons in the evening.Your primary concern may be with this was the lack of time and getting the kids to bed on time. We’ve learned from watching other parents that getting ready for bed at lessons can save a lot of time! The kids shower there anyway after they get out of the water so why not take your shampoo (shampoo/body wash combos work great for this!) and wash body and hair while showering? Then, when getting dressed just go ahead and put them in their pajamas so when arriving at home you can go straight to bedtime story to wind down and then brush teeth and get to bed.

Tip #5

Be Organized!

For busy moms, I know how hard this one can be. I can also tell you how much easier it makes things. You can launder the towels and suits after practice and keep it in your swim bag in the laundry room. As soon as the items come out of the dryer you fold and put them back into the bag. Kids may want to play with their goggles and we recommend keeping the googles in the swim bag, ready for lessons! When you have multiple kids in swimming lessons you have to make sure you aren’t running late because you are searching for something because we all know there are too many other things that can come up. You may want to consider getting some goggles for when your at home! You cab also have a bottle of shampoo/body wash you keep in the bag. Just before you leave for lessons, put a snack in for the ride home. Having everything ready and being organized makes things so much easier.

Having multiple kids in swimming lessons can be challenging. These tips seem to ease the process. The kids absolutely love the lessons and we love that they are learning water safety. Going anywhere with multiple kids can be stressful so we’ve found that the buddy system as well as being organized make it something you all can enjoy.

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