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Swim Team

Competitive Outdoor Summer Flying Lions Swim Team

Our Mission

We are passionate about swimming and dedicated to fostering safety, fun, and proper technique. Our goal is to empower each team member to reach their full potential through encouragement, skill development, and excellence.

Join Our Team

We are a proud member of the River City Swim League in Jacksonville, FL.

Call: 904-260-1836
Text: 904-746-1835

Registration Details

Registration Fee: $149 Includes:

  • Swim Caps
  • Team Suits
  • League Fees
  • Insurance

Final Registration Deadline: May 23rd

Practice Schedule

Location: Sandalwood High School

Start Date: May 5th

  • May Schedule (Monday–Thursday):
    • 7:30–8:30 PM
  • June & July Schedule (Monday–Thursday):
    • Choose between:
    • Morning: 8:00–9:00 AM
    • Evening: 7:30–8:30 PM

Tuition: $199 per month

  • Tuition is a flat-rate, billed monthly.
  • We encourage swimmers to attend as many practices as possible to enhance their skills and speed.
  • No refunds once payment has been made.

Swim Meets

Our team will travel to various locations in Northeast Florida to compete against other teams in the River City Swim League.

Meet schedule will be determined on March 24th.

Requirements to Join

To participate in the Flying Lions Swim Team, swimmers must:

  • Be currently enrolled in Flying Lions or Amazing Alligators, OR pass an evaluation.
  • Swim 50 yards of each stroke.
  • Complete four continuous laps without stopping.
  • Have rudimentary swim vocabulary knowledge.

Upcoming Events

Welcome Party – April 24th @ Swimming Safari Swim School

  • Includes fittings for team suits

Finals – July 19th-20th

  • A huge end-of-the-year meet where all teams in the league compete!

Flying Lions Banquet – July 27th

  • Celebrate the season with teammates, coaches, and families!

Ready to dive in? Register today and join the Flying Lions Swim Team!

Year Round Indoor Flying Lions Swim Team

Our Team’s Mission: To share our knowledge and passion for swimming, by empowering safety, fun, and proper technique to all our team members to achieve their full potential through encouraging excellence.

Our Practices: Designed to increase our swimmers’ endurance, and improve their strokes and times through an introduction to various drills.

Click HERE for information on our outdoor competitive summer swim team.


Flat rate pricing every month

  • 1x per week: $106 per month
  • 2x per week: $212 per month

Registration Fee:

  • 1 swimmer: $70
  • 2+ swimmers: $125

Includes team t-shirt, cap, entry into swim meets awards, and ribbons.
**Once the swim team registration fee is paid, families will not be required to pay additional registration for our lessons, should they have another child enrolled.***

Practice Times (45 minutes):

Several times are available throughout the week. Click here for an up-to-date list.

Age Range: 5 yrs to 14 yrs old.

Requirements to Join:

Swimmers must demonstrate proficiency with all four competitive strokes and complete the following workout prior to joining the team. If your swimmer is not yet able to meet these requirements check the Terrific Tigers and Amazing Alligators section of our classes page. These levels are designed to teach the strokes and prepare students for the swim team.

Required Workout:

  • 150 yards Freestyle
  • 100 yards Backstroke
  • 100 yards Breaststroke
  • 50 yards Butterfly

Swim Meets:

A few times a year we host swim meets so that all the members of our team can get together and show off what they have learned. Keeping with the lighthearted competitive spirit of our team, our meets are designed so that swimmers will be competing to improve their own personal best times, rather than against other teams or swimmers.

2025 Tentative Meet Schedule:

March Meet: 3/2 and 3/3

September Meet: 9/7 and 9/8

December Meet: 12/7 and 12/8

* Swim Meets take place over a weekend. The specific day your swimmer will compete is based on their age group. Several announcements on a specific meets schedule starting 1 month prior to the meet.

Competition Rules (click to download)

These rules are intended to be used as a general guide. The more complicated aspects (backstroke turns, flip turns, and pull-outs) are covered by the coaches but not required during swim meets. SSSS coaches are lenient with our newer swimmers, especially during swim meets yet continue to impress the importance of competition rules.

During a swim meet and at the coach’s discretion, a 5-second penalty per 25 yards may be applied to a swimmer’s time if a significant advantage was made by the continued use of the incorrect stroke or kick. Examples: Dolphin kick used during a breaststroke race. Flutter kicks used during a breaststroke or butterfly race.

How to Sign Up:

Sign-up can be done either in person or by contacting our office (904-260-1836). For students new to our program, we may require them to complete a free evaluation class prior to signing up.

I have had my daughter enrolled in swim lessons for 6 months now and have seen a huge improvement in both her confidence in the water and her skills when swimming! The staff at the facility genuinely care about my child and her well-being and never hesitate to offer an extra hand if needed if she’s having a bad day.


Enroll Today!

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