Announcement: Open Wednesday 1/22
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Hello Swimming Safari Families!

Dear Swimming Safari Families,

We want to welcome you back soon and share with you our reopening procedures!

We have been busy cleaning and preparing the building for your return, and we will be employing new policies and procedures to help keep you and your children as safe as possible during this unprecedented time. As we begin the reopening process, we recognize that in order to be successful, a strong partnership with you will make a tremendous difference in how we move forward with the new challenges that face us. The situation is fluid; updates and changes to policies may occur. Please read this over with your family to prepare everyone for their return to Swimming Safari Swim School. Our instructors look forward to returning to teach your children. Our aim is always to help your children become SAFE, HAPPY, and CONFIDENT in the water.

We have missed you all!

When will the lessons resume?

We plan to do this in two stages:

Stage 1: Early Return -(Registration Now Open)- Classes Start May 19th - (Opt-in 20 Minutes Private Lessons)

  • You must sign up for these classes in order to participate
  • Cost: $22.25 per lesson / Only available through 5/31 / No Make-Ups for privates
  • Makes ups from March will not be processed until we resume regular operation

Stage 2: Resuming Regular Operation - Starting June 1st - (We will resume group classes)

  • If you were enrolled in classes in March you will rejoin that class the week of June 1st
  • Some adjustments to the schedule may be required for us to adhere to capacity guidelines. We will do our best to minimize the number of disruptions.
  • If you would like to make an adjustment to your class time please let us know.

What if I’m not ready to return?

  • If you are not ready to resume your lessons on June 1st, please submit a cancelation request found HERE by 5/20.
  • All credits issued to your account will remain on your account until you are ready to return.
  • All make-up lessons owed will be issued as a makeup token and will be eligible for redemption upon your return.

What precautions/changes will be implemented when the swim school reopens?

This has been our primary focus in designing a plan for reopening. Our goal is to provide a safe, welcoming environment for our parents, students, and staff. It is very important to us that we are still able to deliver the Swimming Safari experience, to each of our visitors. Below you will find an outline of the precautions we will take. These will be adjusted as we progress through this situation.

Sick Children and Parents

Any child who displays visible symptoms of illness will not be admitted into lessons that day.

We ask that you err on the side of caution. If your child or you are exhibiting symptoms, please keep him or her home. If any child or anyone in the home has been in direct contact with any person having a positive Covid-19 diagnosis, please do not bring your child to swim lessons.

Entering/leaving the building

-Please have only one adult per child when entering the swim school.

-We ask that you only enter the building within 5 minutes of the start of your lesson.

-Water fountains showers, hairdryers, and bathing suit driers will be closed for the time being.

-We are encouraging a “wrap & go procedure.” This means bringing your child dressed in their bathing suit and leave in their bathing suit.

-The changing rooms will be open, but we hope you all will help us limit the amount of traffic in this area. Please also help us by being prepared to bring your own sanitizing wipes.

Front Desk Changes

-All move-ups, scheduling changes, cancellation requests, and make-ups will need to be handled through our website, email, or by calling the office. These services will not be offered at the front desk for the time being.

-We are temporarily suspending all cash/check payments for merchandise or tuition

-We are temporarily suspending the snack shack.

-Bracelets will be single-use per day and sanitized before being given to another student.

-Stickers for kids: We know the children love the stickers, so we will spray and sanitize stickers several times per day. We will ask the parent to pick out one sticker per child when they check-in, to give to their child at the end of their lesson if they desire.

Credits from March

Those of you that have credits from March, that’s exactly what you have, credit in your account. The amount of money you have in your account remains yours and can be used on any of these lessons going forward.

Treating the Pool Water

All the articles (see below) and information we have gathered is that the virus does not survive in water, especially chlorinated water. Our pool water chemistry is computer controlled and is verified by a staff member for accuracy several times a day. In addition, our pool is equipped with an Ultraviolet System (UV), that kills pathogens instantly. Our UV system was upgraded in December of 2019 to the largest model available for our size pool. We have always placed a tremendous emphasis on our water, to be the cleanest & purest for our students.

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Health Screening for Staff

This will be done before each shift.

Protective Equipment

Dry Staff - will be instructed to wear cloth face masks and encouraged to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.


We welcome you to wear a mask in the facility if you choose. We will leave this decision completely up to you and allow you to do what you feel is best for your family.

We have removed most items that are “touchable” at the swim school. This includes:

  • Check-in stand
  • Toy area/coloring pages & crayons
  • Magazines & coffee

Hand Sanitizer

This will be provided to everyone upon their entry to the facility as well as various stations throughout the facility.


-All equipment used in one lesson will be immediately removed and sanitized after each lesson.

-Splish-Splash Babies classes will be reduced to 4 students per class max

Future Changes

We have contracted with Spot-TV, so that for our older children, parents can stay right in your own car and watch the lesson. We are very excited about this, because this is also a video you can share with Grandma or Grandpa in another location.

While these necessary policy changes will inevitably create a slightly different Swimming Safari Experience, we will remain committed to our mission of providing high-quality swim lessons that create Happy, Safe, and Confident swimmers, who love the water as much as we do!

We can’t wait to see all of you back in the pool soon!

Your Swimming Safari Staff!

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